Pendhapa seeks to preserve the art form of conversations, collaborations and intentionality while exploring new territories creating forms that challenge conventions, all while capturing a sense of timelessness, regardless of scale.

The studio was founded in 2019 by architects Antonin Hautefort and Ignatio Tenggara. With their french and Indonesian heritage, Pendhapa is the product of a cross-cultural exchange between the two visionary minds. At the core of everything they do is a steadfast commitment to contextual understanding, a willingness to consider multiple perspectives, and a dedication to engaging their innate human qualities.

The name Pendhapa is derived f rom the iconic vernacular structure found throughout Indonesia that embodies the essence of their practice. This traditional construct is designed for communal gatherings and is adaptable to different contexts, evolving in form and materials in different environments while remaining true to its original essence.

Atelier Pendhapa creates furniture and collectible designs that stand the test of time in collaboration with skilled artisans from all over the world. Their deep knowledge of the design and industry, paired with the expertise of craftsmen, spark meaningful conversations that inform and inspire their designs.

By working together with local artisans, Atelier Pendhapa prioritizes the use of high-quality materials to craft designs that are enduring in both their appeal and quality. Through their emphasis on timelessness and quality, they strive to reduce the need for frequent replacements or renovations, ultimately minimizing waste and environmental impact. By bringing a level of artistry and craftsmanship to their designs, Atelier Pendhapa aims to ensure their longevity, while also promoting sustainable practices