A fusion of bold playfulness and timeless elegance. "La collection Rotolo," brought to life by the talented Swiss-Italian designer and digital artist, Stefano Giacomello takes inspiration in the iconic designs and architecture of the 70s and 80s, with a special nod to Italian design.

At the heart of "La collection Rotolo" lies an insatiable desire to embrace minimalism while exuding a bold and playful spirit. Each piece is thoughtfully crafted to maintain a harmonious balance between clean lines and audacious forms, giving them a contemporary edge that's also enduringly stylish.

Drawing inspiration from a background in digital design, “La Collection Rotolo” is a testament to artistic expression, showcasing Giacomello’s dedication and creativity in presenting an exceptional fusion of refinement and lightheartedness. This creative endeavour is an exciting reflection of Giacomello’s dual identity as a designer and digital artist. With this collection, the digital medium transcends boundaries, blurring the lines between the digital realm and the real world. "La collection Rotolo" marks a thrilling new chapter in Giacomello’s journey, where passion and creativity combine to bring furniture that's way more than just luxury functional design.

Crafted from luxurious travertine and marble, the collection features bookshelves, desks, commodes and more, exuding understated charm and timeless appeal. Adding a touch of whimsy, "La Collection Rotolo" introduces bold, bulky upholstery pieces that elevate the collection's character, inviting you to revel in their plush comfort. These pieces are artistic expressions, destined to resonate with like-minded souls and add a splash of cool to any space.

The Collection is the first collaboration between BOON and designer Stefano Giacomello also known as his digital artist name stefo_rotolo and founder of Studio Rotolo. Studio Rotolo is challenging conventional limits. Inspired by vibrant hues and geometric precision, Giacomello infuses each room with light and soft shadows, featuring curved archways and walls, sparse furniture, and soothing textures in his architectural renders.